Friday, March 11, 2011

Promise Prenatal

via Prenatal Vitamin by Cristina on 8/17/10

Promise Prenatal

There are few prenatal products that have addressed the concerns during the different stages of your pregnancy. Promise Prenatal has three products.  One is for preconception through the first trimester.  After that time you use the second stage which is best during the second and third trimesters.  And then when you are nursing they have another product.

Using Promise Prenatal has several additional benefits.  It isn’t a gigantic pill so it’s not hard to swallow.  Besides that, it can help to reduce nausea and they have been careful not to include too much vitamin A so you don’t have to worry about toxic levels in your body.  In addition, each of these products contains DHA which is a key ingredient during pregnancy.  You need it to further the development of your baby’s brain and eyes and it can also help to prevent depression during and after pregnancy.

Key Nutrients

Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, calcium iron, iodine, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum

Because there are three different products obviously the ingredients are slightly different.  In the case of the Promise Prenatal products it doesn’t seem like there are many ingredients that are different it’s just the amounts of each ingredient that vary.  For example, there isn’t any vitamin A included in stage 1 but it is in stages 2 and 3 even though they have been careful not to put so much in that you ever are at risk of having a toxic level within your system.

Promise Prenatal Safety

Like a lot of prenatal vitamins Promise Prenatal has not included nearly enough calcium in this product.  You need adequate amounts of calcium in order for your baby to develop a strong and healthy skeletal system.  Each of the Promise Prenatal products are designed to be taken with Promise DHA. This product contains only DHA.  Because DHA is generally derived from fish products it can be bad for people who are allergic to it.  Besides that, fish products don’t taste good and they cause fishy burps.  Although they do try to cover that up with strawberry flavoring and then it just get weird.

Promise Prenatal Pros

  • Contains the nutrients you need
  • 3 stages for different nutritional needs
  • Natural ingredients

Promise Prenatal Cons

  • Have to order a bunch of different products
  • Does not contain enough calcium
  • Have to use a separate DHA supplement

Should You Use Promise Prenatal?

The different products can help you to receive added benefits throughout your pregnancy.  I’m glad to see that they have been careful with vitamin A since that’s one of the biggest concerns with some prenatal vitamins.  It’s not too expensive to use throughout your whole pregnancy and it is a good option for you to use before and after you get pregnant to ensure that you are always getting the proper nutrition you need.  Promise Prenatal has several options including the DHA supplement but it would be a lot more convenient if they had included everything you need in one place.

Posted via email from pregnant women life

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